Connect to inner peace to live the great adventure.
Thrive. Gain renewed energy for yourself and your family.
Rise above the clouds of depression and see what’s possible so you can thrive.

This 8 week group program is facilitated by Anthea Enterkin. Anthea Enterkin is a Breathwork practitioner.
Fees: $300 (concessions available)
Breathe In
Are you are interested in finding ways to manage your anxiety, thoughts and emotions? Or perhaps just to build strength and connect with people in the community.
You will learn a technique of breathing into your body, so that you can stay relaxed and open in discomfort and connect to the wisdom in your heart for guidance on how best to move forward.
Some of the aims of this group are:
Learn how to use your breath so you don’t get overwhelmed by anxiety.
Raise self-awareness so you can connect your head to your heart.
Learn how to listen to your heart’s wisdom (inner voice) not the stories in your head.
Identify and clear the emotional blockages that have been holding you back.
Discover self-love, acceptance, resilience and grace in the present moment.

Fees: $300 (concessions available)
Breathe Yourself Free
8 week programme for a deeper dive into Emotional Freedom and Emotional Resilience.
So you can be free to live your life fully!
This program continues on from Breathe In
Some of the aims of this group are:
To be bullet proof to the hardships and setbacks in life
Activities that are included in this program
Learn advanced breathing techniques

Fees: Small Group: $400 (concessions available)
Individual Coaching: $800
Tune Up Your Life
Introducing Core Clearing Breathwork (available 1 on 1 or as a group)
Life Balance is about living a vibrant life that is balanced and sustainable. There are 10 sessions in the Life Balance program
- Introduction session – Wheel of Life Exercise
- Happiness (Self Esteem)
- Vitality (Health),
- Love (Relationships),
- Wealth (Money),
- Lifestyle (Time),
- Creativity (Career),
- Environment (Local/Global)
- Spiritual (Growth)
- Conclusion session
Review and where to from here

Fees: $150/term
Breathe In Circle
We also conduct on ongoing meditation, support and growth group. Keeping your heart open and growing is supported by being in a community.
We create a calming, safe space for women to relax, unwind and connect within themselves and with other like-minded women. We do meditation, gentle Breathwork and gratitude journaling at the end.
We meet each Tuesday evening during school terms

1 on 1
Personal Breathwork Sessions
Core Clearing Breathwork – 1 hour sessions (in person or online)
Personal BW sessions are available CCBW sessions
Fees: $150
Thrive Breathwork – 2 hour deep emotional healing (in person only)
Thrive Breathwork Sessions …..by consultation process only
Fees: $250